Once a year....for a few weeks around Christmas, thousands of little spicy worlds get their one chance at living. Some are gorgeous and ornate, others resemble a cottage Hansel and Gretel would dig into.
Ours was made by giants with left thumbs and spatulas.
Most giants are content to create and watch their tiny decadent paradises, but El Schloss Dulce has a continuing problem with giants. Namely the three feet tall kind with curly blonde hair.
Even bricks were being eaten...and not just by the three foot curly giant.
The chocolate stallions in the royal stables kept an eye on the drawbridge and gate. They were fiercer than any mythical horse with half a body, horn or wings.
The goatherd watered the goats and gave Giant Curlyhead the stink eye whenever he came too close.
Widow Martini moved her house inside Schloss Dulce's walls...moving houses are convenient like that.
And El Schloss Dulce's gumdrop halls survive another day.
December 28, 2010 at 3:23 PM
FUN! =)
January 4, 2011 at 12:10 PM
Hi Bets! I just read your FicSwap story and loved it! :) Brielle is one of my favourite songs, and the way you wrote the story about it was both beautiful and poignant. It's a different interpretation of the song than mine, but it's very well-written and I liked the different perspective!
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