Beautiful and Ugly Churches


Beautiful Church...

Ugly church...

Beautiful Church...

Ugly Church...

Beautiful Church...

Ugly Church...


It would be nice if these kinds of people...

Went to this kind of church...

And mixed in with these kinds of people....

Who are the normal specimens found in beautiful churches.

6 sprinkles of fairy dust:

its sad but true. I miss the days of beautiful churches. I will add though from my experience working in a church for the past 8 years. If a "new" church went to the expense to build a beautiful church they would be seriously criticized for "wasting God's resources"
I have seen it firsthand many, many times

Where is that second beautiful church (the one with the bridge)?

I am happy that we now go to a beautiful church. I don't recall when it was built, but it was built to resemble a traditional cathedral with all the trimmings. Lovely!

I know! Baptists aren't exactly known for beautiful churches though. :-/ Sure with they were ... I would have loved to get married in a cathedral. And I do miss the elderly ... they all attend the 8:30 service.

Grateful to be an Episcopalian. Sad that most Episcopalians are post-retirement age. ;-(

Prexactly ^ It makes me want to start a young, hip, high church in an ancient building. :-P