Fabric Flowers - Part Two

I had imagined delicate pieces of velvet leaves, copper wire, bits of silk interwoven through whimsical flowers... good for an updo or down. The do all, be all head piece.

My problem is I always try to take shortcuts. Or maybe they aren't shortcuts so much as I'm obsessed with using only what I have (and I collect possibilities like a pack rat collects plastic princess jewelry). Truthfully though, it's a part of my brain and personality that is on lockdown at all times. The crafting-fabric-button-ribbon-loving Esther is only allowed one closet and one cupboard. At the moment it's sort of leaking into the breezeway and consequently driving me crazy. I like my mess contained in comfortable confines. Kind of like coloring in the lines. I tend to be ok with horribly messy cupboards as long as they don't spill out anywhere and become clutter (the horrors).

Like the room of consequence. I expect to open my messy craft cupboard and find exactly what I'm looking for. Trying for a knitting project? Open the cupboard and find neat balls of yarn and knitting needles in all different lengths.

In this case I said "open sesame" and out rolled a pitiful bit of ribbon and some cheese cloth, when what I needed was a full on milliners work table. I guess my magic was decidedly limpy.

I used copper electrical wire that was scrap from a job Jim did. And sort of twisted it all together and tried talking to the headpiece thinking this might infuse my piece of work with some creative artistry.

It decidedly did not turn out how I pictured, but its usefulness is unending. It works as a head band, or you can twist it into a bun.... use it as a wide clip for a low, nape of the neck ponytail.

The possibilities are endless.

Would they make ok Christmas presents? It's time to start in on those.

Thank goodness for a long missing sister who was willing to be my model. I need more girls and less boys in my life.
1 sprinkles of fairy dust:

I LOVE it!! I want one like now. Hannah is lovely and was the perfect model